
作者:IIS7AI 时间:2025-01-01 13:03

探索Linux的奇妙世界:那些让人爱不释手的有趣脚本 在Linux的世界里,脚本不仅仅是自动化任务的工具,它们更是探索、学习和创造的桥梁



     一、自动化生活的艺术:日常任务脚本 1. 自动化备份脚本 想象一下,每天凌晨三点,你的重要数据自动备份到远程服务器,而你正安心睡眠,无需担心数据丢失




     !/bin/bash SOURCE=/path/to/local/directory DESTINATION=user@remote_host:/path/to/remote/directory LOGFILE=/path/to/backup/logfile.log Perform the backup rsync -avz --delete $SOURCE $DESTINATION ] $LOGFILE 2>&1 Check if the backup was successful if 【 $? -eq 0 】; then echo$(date): Backup successful ] $LOGFILE else echo$(date): Backup failed ] $LOGFILE fi 2. 系统监控脚本 系统管理员的日常工作之一就是监控系统性能



     import psutil import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText Function to send email def send_email(subject, body): msg = MIMEText(body) msg【Subject】 = subject msg【From】 = your-email@example.com msg【To】 = recipient@example.com with smtplib.SMTP(smtp.example.com) as server: server.login(your-email@example.com, your-password) server.sendmail(your-email@example.com, 【recipient@example.com】, msg.as_string()) Monitor system cpu_usage = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) memory_info = psutil.virtual_memory() disk_usage = psutil.disk_usage(/) net_io = psutil.net_io_counters() Log or send email based on thresholds if cpu_usage > 80: send_email(High CPU Usage Alert, fCPU usage is at{cpu_usage}%) if memory_info.percent > 90: send_email(High Memory Usage Alert, fMemory usage is at{memory_info.percent}%) if disk_usage.percent > 85: send_email(Low Disk Space Alert, fDisk usage is at{disk_usage.percent}%) 二、创意无限的命令行游戏 Linux不仅是工作场所,也是娱乐的天堂


     1. 命令行2048 `2048`是一款数字合成游戏,目标是通过滑动屏幕上的数字方块,使它们相加得到2048


     import curses import random Game logic and rendering omitted for brevity But imagine a fully functional 2048 game running in your terminal! def main(stdscr): curses.curs_set(0) stdscr.nodelay( stdscr.timeout(10 # Initialize game state game = Game() while True: key = stdscr.getch() if key ==ord(q): break game.handle_input(key) game.render(stdscr) stdscr.refresh() curses.wrapper(main) 2. 命令行贪吃蛇 贪吃蛇,这个经典的游戏,在命令行中也能找到它的身影



     import os import time import random Game setup and logic omitted for brevity But imagine controlling a snake with ASCII characters in your terminal! def main(): os.system(cls if os.name == nt else clear) game = SnakeGame() while True: game.update() game.draw() if game.over: print(GameOver! Your scorewas {}.format(game.score)) break time.sleep(0.1) if __name__== __main__: main() 三、个性化定制:让Linux更加懂你 Linux的魅力在于它的可定制性


     1. 动态壁纸更换器 厌倦了一成不变的桌面背景?一个Python脚本,结合`feh`(在Xorg环境下)或`wallpaper`(在Wayland环境下),可以定期从网络上下载新图片,更换你的桌面壁纸


     import os import random import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup WALLPAPER_DIR = /path/to/wallpaper/directory def fetch_random_wallpaper(): url = https://example.com/wallpapers Replace with an actual wallpaper website response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, html.parser) # Assuming the wallpapers are in tags with a specific class images = soup.find_all(img, class_=wallpaper-class) image_url = random.choice(images)【src】